After a Bachelor degree in Food Industry, interested in sustainability, Badis decided to follow a master programme abroad and applied for the MSc sustainable Food Systems.
Why did you choose this programme?
As this master can be done in different places according to the partners’ universities, I started this programme with 2 semesters in Germany. A great opportunity for me to improve German and especially, English as all the lectures are taught in English.
I really enjoyed studying there, learning a lot on Sustainability, the European regulation, the legislation…I also took courses on food industry.
What do you think of this programme?

It’s a good experience for me to get familiar with different ways of teaching. In Tunisia, the lectures are more based on the writing rather than oral, so it was a good opportunity to develop this ability.
I am now taking my 3rd semester at Isara. The approach here is more practical and the link with the professional field is important. We have many projects on food innovation and concrete projects at the « technological laboratory ». A good way to build our professional project.
I am now thinking of my Master thesis subject and I would like to work on agriculture, food industry related to sustainability and how to implement the sustainability in all the process.
Nowadays, food industry is very important, it’s a real society subject. My master thesis is also a way to respond to the market’s needs and to understand clearly the needs of the companies.
The students attending this programme have good knowledge to answer the issues of the companies. After this master, we can find an interesting job.
Different semesters in different countries, how was this experience?
I really enjoy my life in Lyon as well as I did in Germany. But Lyon is a great city for student. You have plenty of thinks to do. It’s rich in art, culture and food.
I have felt well integrated with the other international students and here also at ISARA. Every week-end, we organised parties at each other’s places and cook the specialities of our countries. A new occasion to meet new cultures and to have good fun.