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Laura QUINECHE MINAYA, Peru (Promotion 6)

Susfoods student from Peru

In Peru, I did my Bachelor’s Degree in Food Engineer with a big focus on processing and technology, this gave me the opportunity to work during 4 years in a well-known food manufacturing company in the area of Quality.

In addition I am a volunteer of the Scouts of Peru and during those years we were working on how we can take action to create a better world, contributing to improve the sustainability of our planet, promote peace, and tackle inequality through the SDGs.

I realize that with all the biodiversity of food that my country offer us, my career and the feeling to make a better world, I had to look for an institute specialized in food, agriculture and environmental. Issues that would give me the opportunity to combine both of my passions and provide me with the necessary tools. I decided that a double degree Master program in Sustainable Food Systems would be a good way of working towards these goals.

This master gives me the opportunity to learn about the impact of our habits, to understand the impact of a person’s behavior on global warming and how developed countries are working with their farmers and the companies in all the supply chain through the Farm to Fork Strategy in order to achieve a sustainable food system.

In addition, this program brings us the opportunity to be in two different countries like Italy and France, beautiful countries with a lot of history, to meet students from all around the world, to be in contact with different cultures, to improve my English and to learn a new language like French, for that reason I’m looking forward to start my third semester at ISARA and to see what new experiences it will bring to me.

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