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Where are they from ? Why did they choose this programme ? What is the professionnal project ? You will learn all about their motivation and the reasons that led them to follow this program.

MSc Susfoods students

Testimonies in video

Discover Alessandro’s Journey in the MSc Sustainable Food Systems!

Thanks to Chrispin from TANZANIA

Thanks to Leonardo from Italy and Andrea from Ecuador

Thanks to Husain from Afghanistan

Thanks to Verena from Germany

They talk about the program, their profil and professional will…


Hi, I’m Maya Samaniego from San Diego, California USA. I am the first American to have taken the MSc in Sustainable Food Systems from Fall 2020 to Fall 2022. I have a B.Sc. in Food…

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Silvia SIBILLE, Italy (Promotion 4)

Silvia Sibille from Italy holds a bachelor’s degree in gastronomic sciences and has been part of the Sustainable Food Systems Program since 2018. In order to write her master thesis, she moved to Recklinghausen in…

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Susfoods student from France

Thomas RANCON, France (Promotion 3)

I’m from France, I am 25 now and have a master’s degree in food and agricultural sciences. I was looking for a master’s degree encompassing an international context and a focus on how to make…

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Susfoods student from Colombia

Pablo LOPES GALLO, Colombia (Promotion 3)

I am following this master mainly because I would like to change the food industry to a more sustainable way, try to give enough food for everybody while preserving the planet. During this master, you…

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Susfoods student from Germany

Maike CARTSBURG, Germany (Promotion 3)

I studied nutritional sciences before for my bachelor in Munich, I decided to start with this master programme in sustainable food systems as I wanted to know more in a scientific way how food is…

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Susfoods student from Peru

Richard NORIEGA GOYAS, Perou (Promotion 3)

« I studied for my bachelor in agri industry engineering and agri business in Lima. I decided to come at Isara to study master in sustainability which is nowadays a trending regarding good health, good…

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